El arte para transformar el mundo que
nos rodea
En LaFANGdanga estamos comprometidos con nuestro entorno y el impacto que podemos generar en el mundo, por eso, nos hemos propuesto llevar a cabo varias iniciativas. La primera, maximizar el uso de energía de origen 100% verde en nuestros procesos y potenciar el reciclado de materiales y el uso responsable de medios, por un lado, y posteriormente, utilizar nuestras herramientas y conocimientos, para mejorar la calidad de vida nuestro entorno a través de procesos artísticos participativos. Aquí encontraréis información sobre nuestro último proyecto "Las paredes tienen memoria". Si estás interesad@ en colaborar para llevar a cabo un proyecto similar estamos encantad@s de hablar contigo porque nos encanta!!!
With the support of Art for Change of the ”la Caixa” Foundation
The walls have memory is an artistic project of social transformation led by LaFangdanga that proposes a process in which a group of elderly people from the city of Badalona will combine ceramics, narrative, drawing and audio, to link their memories with the urban space of the city.
Art and culture are powerful tools for social transformation and now, are more necessary than ever.
The protagonists of The walls have memory, have carried out over the last 6 months, an artistic process connecting their memories with different places in the city of Badalona, in a journey through works of narrative construction and activation of the memory, drawings to capture their memory, transfer to ceramics of their creation and finally, the recording of their memory in audio to accompany the ceramic tiles they created.
Project Manager · Stefania Vara Ceramicist and founder of "La Fangdanga"
Audiovisual creation and sound dramaturgy Vostok Collective Performing Arts Company
Drawing and painting workshop · Nieves Guirado · Plastic artist
Narrative workshop Beatriz García Journalist and novelist
Psychosocial support of the project and Community Management · Silvia Tost · Coach and pedagogue
With the support of Art for Change of "la Caixa" Foundation